Port Days 2016 Go Global to focus on Technological Advances in the Global Economy
September 13, 2016, Halifax, Nova Scotia – Technological advances will be the main theme of Port Days 2016 Go Global.
The Port of Halifax is working closely with supply chain partners to deliver value and common purpose by minimizing transit times, reducing operating costs and mitigating risks. With regular calls from 20 of the world’s leading shipping lines, the Port of Halifax connects to 150 countries worldwide. This global connectivity is the result of strong partnerships, international cooperation and strategic infrastructure planning.
Featured speakers this year include Hon. Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board, Halifax Mayor Mike Savage and John Murnane, Partner, McKinsey & Co.
Members of the media are invited to attend sessions taking place Thursday, September 15, 2016.
9:00 a.m. Chairman’s Breakfast
Remarks by Hon. Scott Brison, President of the Treasury Board, and Halifax Mayor Mike Savage
Hosted by David Henderson, Chair, Halifax Port Authority, and Hector Jacques OC, Incoming Chair, Halifax Port Authority
10:30 a.m. Business Session – Technological Advances Spur Innovation
Moderated by: Lane Farguson, Halifax Port Authority
Panelists include: Axel Mattern, CEO Port of Hamburg Marketing; Mark Lerner, Vice-President Corporate Marketing, CN; Eric Legros, Vice-President Refrigerated Transportation, CMA-CGM; Enrique Brum, Co-founder and Vice President Global Sales, Datamyne Inc.; Jim Nicoll, Director, Information and Technology Services, Halifax Port Authority
12:15 p.m. Keynote Luncheon
John Murnane, Partner, McKinsey & Company
Special presentation – Atlantic Container Line
2:00 p.m. Port of Halifax Facilities and Infrastructure Tour
Cunard Centre, 961 Marginal Road, Halifax (Keynote breakfast and business sessions)
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21, 1055 Marginal Road, Halifax (Keynote luncheon)
Meet outside Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 for facilities tour
Port Days 201 Go Global is a conference for international shipping, transportation and supply chain professionals. Each year, the annual event attracts hundreds of representatives from all facets of the shipping and transportation industry. Port Days 2016 Go Global is an opportunity for business owners and leaders to learn more about growth opportunities through the Port of Halifax. For the very latest, follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/portofhalifax #hfxportdays.
Lane Farguson
Communications Advisor
Halifax Port Authority
(902) 426-7375
[email protected]